Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Allah has no form. He is above all form.
We distinguish a thing by comparing it.
We know "fat" by comparing it to "thin".
Allah cannot be compared to anything
as Allah does not resemble anything.

Worshipping physical representations of
God is considered shirk or the act of
associating partners with God. It is the
only unpardonable sin in Islam.

Others worship statues and pictures of God.
Islam rejects these man-made works
as false gods that cannot create even
"a single fly" and describes those who
worship them as "feebleminded." [22:73]

Muslims don't try to imagine God
because God is beyond the grasp of
human imagination. Nothing is like Him.

They focus instead on the attributes of Allah
What is Allah like? What is His nature?
What does He do? The descriptions are
in Allah's Names and Attributes.

Of the Beautiful Names and Attributes
of Allah, two well-known ones are
The Most Merciful [Ar-Rahim] and
The Most Compassionate [Ar-Rahman].

Muslims know that their every act of mercy
towards things created by Allah brings
them closer to Allah The Most Merciful.

Seek nearness to the Divine by walking
The Straight Path of Islam.

The Almighty says, "If the Believer comes
to Me walking, I go to him running."

Dr. Y. Mansoor Marican, Ph.D

Monday, June 28, 2010


We cannot see Allah The Most Exalted
the way we see other things.

Unless you have decided not to "see"
Him, you cannot "miss" Him!


What does The Noble Quran say about
the 'whereabouts' of Allah The Most Merciful.

"He is firmly established on
the Throne of Authority" (20:5)

"Whichever direction you turn,
there is a presence of Allah" (2:115)

"We are nearer to man than
he is to his jugular vein" (50:16)

"He is with you whereever you are.
Allah is aware of all your actions". (57:4)

"When my servants question you
(Muhammad) about Me, tell them
that I am very close to them." (2:186)

"The Hand of Allah was above their
hands (when they pledged allegiance
to you, O Prophet) (48:10)

The purpose of these verses is not to give
us a description of Allah's whereabouts.

The hidden meanings of these verses
are known only to Allah's The Almighty. (3:7)

In their contexts, these verses convey the
grandeur and magnificence of The Almighty.

The Qur'an states that Allah is unique and
that nothing resembles Him (42:11, 112:4)

Those with "knowledge" will know Allah
by reflecting on the things created
by Him (30:20-25)

All things in the Universe are ayat (signs)
that point to the existence of a Perfect,
All knowing, Almightly and Merciful Creator.

Friday, June 25, 2010



Is Allah the god of Muslims
Allah is The Lord of all created things in the seen and unseen worlds.
Everything in Creation worships and submits to Him.
The faith of Muslims is Islam.
It means submission to the Will of Allah.

Why are there no pictures or statues of Allah?
Allah is beyond the grasp of human vision.
He is unlike anything that the human mind can imagine.
Therefore drawing pictures or making statues that represent
Him as a human, a semi-human or an animal is unacceptable and
considered a major sin in Islam.

Allah is referred to as "Him". Is He human-like?
If you speak English, you use the words "him" and "she" a lot and
it is very easy to give people wrong ideas about God.
The female equivalent for 'God' is 'Goddess'.
Some believe that God has female partners.
Reducing God to a human family person is unacceptable in Islam.

Are there other names for Allah?
The almighty calls Himself "Allah" in The Qur'an.
This Arabic word has no plural and no male or female equivalents.
Some books refer to the "99 names" of Allah.
These names are attributes of Allah.
Allah is referred to as Merciful, Just and Compassionate.
More than 99 attributes of Allah are mentioned in The Qur'an.

Who created Allah?
Allah is eternal. He was not created. He existed before He created.
His creations need Him but He doesn't need them for His existence.

Does He have a son?
Allah does not have a son or assistant. If He needs the help of
others, then He would not be self-sufficient and be in need
of a Creator.

Does Allah have other gods to help Him?
Nothing is like Him.
The Creator cannot be of the same nature as the things
He created. His creations have a beginning and an end.
Allah existed before the beginning and will remain after the end.

Does Allah need a rest day?
The notion that The Almighty needed a rest day after creating
the heavens and earth is a human innovation and not The
Almighty's view of Himself.
It is those who were not involved in Creation that are taking the rest!

Created things 'burn out'. Allah is ever living.

Is Allah the god of Jesus?

The One True God
Allah is a proper noun unique to The One True God
Who alone deserves all worship.
He is the God of all Prophets that He chose to convey His message.
Among the well-known Prophets are Noah, Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus and
the final Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon them).

If Allah is Compassionate, Why is there so much suffering?
Our suffering is caused by our failure to adhere to what He has
permitted and refrain from what He has prohibited.
There are times when, for example, we cannot explain why
bad things happen to good people.
Allah knows best. We must seek His help in prayer.

If Allah is Merciful, then does He forgive all our sins?
In The Qur'an. The Almighty states that He will forgive the sins
of the Believers who repent sincerely and do not repeat their sins.
Many will say that they too believe in The One True God but
their daily lives are infused with idolatrous practices such as
wearing talismans and worshipping statues.

The Almighty declares in The Qur'an that He will not forgive
the worshipping of false gods.

Extracts from PERKIM
Dr. Y Mansoor Marican, Ph.D

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Apa ada didalam bulan Rejab dan apa keistimewaan nya....

Rasulullah saw bersabda... maksudnya :

"Rejab adalah bulan Allah, Sya'ban adalah bulanku dan Ramadhan adalah bulan umatku."

Berlakunya Isra' Mikraj ialah didalam bulan ini, iaitu pada 27 Rejab.

Perbanyakan dan perbaiki lah amalan amalan kita dalam bulan ini:

i) Selawat atas nabi sebanyak mungkin
ii) Zikrullah sebanyak mungkin
iii) Perbanyakan Solat tengah malam (Solat sunat)
iv) Sedekah (bersedekah lah dengan memberi nasihat, senyuman, pertolongan dan walau pun dengan 0.10)

Selamat Beramal

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Semoga Allah melindungi Faiz dari segala keburukan
di langit dan di bumi dan dari kelemahan diri sendiri.
Ya Allah ku mohon lagi, Engkau berilah kejayaan dan
kebahgian dunia dan akhirat untuk anak ku ini dan
berilah dia rezeki yang melimpah ruah lagi halal.

Amin Ya Rabbil A'lamin.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


You slipped away without anyone watching you go;
But we know you had great faith in GOD;
You answered GOD's call without saying goodbye;
But we know you said it a thousand times in your own way;
You pampered us with so much love and kindness;
May GOD reward you in the hereafter;
You always pray for our well-being and success;
May GOD shower you with all the heavenly goods;
Forgave us for our short comings;
May ALLAH place you in the company of the righteous.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010




Day 14 - 17.3.2010 - Fatnin's Birthday - 1 year old.

Day 18 - 21.3.2010 - Celebrated Fatnin's B'day.

Day 28 - 31.3.2010 - Atfi sent Yangchik to Ukay Perdana
Wednesday after Magrib. Abang going to Bandung
for 1 week.

Now at Ukay Perdana

Day 29 - 1.4.2010 - Yangchik stayed at Ukay Perdana.

Day 34 - 6.4.2010 - Liyana accompanied Yangchik to
Tuesday Klinik Kerajaan AU2
Day 41 - 13.4.2010 - Liyana accompanied Yangchik to
Tuesday Ampang Hospital for cancer
Yangchik made known to the doctor
that she intend to stay at the
Old Folks Home.

Day 55 - 27.4.2010 - Liyana accompanied Yangchik to
Tuesday Ampang Hospital for eye checkups
at the Eye Clinic.

Day 62 - 4.5.2010 - Faiz fetched Yangchik's medicines
Tuesday at Kelinik Kerajaan AU2.

Day 72 - 14.5.2010 - Liyana accompanied Yangchik to
Friday Ampang Hospital for Radiology
treatment on cancer. Fetched her
medicines as well.

Day 83 - 25.5.2010 - Liyana accompanied Yangchik to
Tuesday Ampang Hospital for blood test
at the Eye Clinic.

Day 85 - 27.5.2010 - Liyana accompanied Yangchik to
Thursday Ampang Hospital for follow-up
on cancer.
The next appointment due 6
months from this date.
(November 2010)

Day 87 - 29.5.2010 - 4.00pm - Yangchik could not control
Saturday her bowel system.
Faiz found her crawling
from the bathroom to her
room. Faiz lifted her and
place her on bed.
5.30pm - We arrived home from the
shop. Checked on her and
cook some porridge.
Shockingly Yangchik could
get up and walk. Wanted her
porridge at the dining room
instead of in bed. She even
walked to the kitchen.

Day 88 - 30.5.2010 2.30am - Yangchik loosen her bowel in
Sunday bed and had a lot of phlem in
her throat. Probably a mild stroke.
Liyana and i cleaned her up.
She had a temperature.
38 degree. Liyana sponge her up.
Temperature reduce. Body was
a bit cold. Liyana suggested to take
her to hospital.

7.00am - Again, Yangchik loosen her bowel in bed.
Liyana nursed her. Mouth getting frosty.
Called Dr. Hafetz in JB for advise.
Called Abang. (Supposed to be in JB)
Abang came with diapers.
The three of us helped to dress her up.
Yangchik could not move her left leg.
Her fingers on the left hand became a bit stiffed.
Called Dr. Hafetz again.
Fadhli called the ambulance. Liyana stayed with
Yangchik in the ambulance. Arrived at the
emergency and thus warded.
Yangchik was diagnosed for:
i) Lung infection - thus the frost in the mouth.
ii) Urenal infection - affected the kidney
iii) Transient askemic attack (Lack of oxygen) -
(which probably leads to mild stroke)
iv) Bone degeneration

Yangchik could not lift herself up thus she could not

Day 90 - 1.6.2010 - SHOULD BE A PRE OP FOR CATARAC

Day 93 - 4.6.2010 - Dr. Hafetz and Ana arrived from JB
Friday to see Yangchik. According to the doctors
at the hospital, Yangchik is now well enough
to be discharged.
But Yangchik insisted that she is not well.
Dr. Hafetz asked for a few more days
extension as Yangchik is not ready mentally.

Day 95 - 6.6.2010 - 7.00pm Yangchik was discharged.
Sunday Took Yangchik home to SetiWangsa
- Abang's house.
Azfar accompanied Yangchik at
the back seat of Salleh's car.

Now at SetiaWangsa

Day 96 - 7.6.2010 - Abang asked to buy a hospital bed for Yangchik.
Monday Salleh ordered at Brickfields and had it sent to
SetiaWangsa. Bed cost RM2,600.00.

Abang noticed a wound due to bed sore and
it already started to smell. Discussed with
Dr. Hafetz. Talk to Yangchik of intention to
send her to a Nursing HomeCare to treat
the wound. She agreed.

Faiz sent the medicines from Kelinik Kerajaan AU2
for Yangchik.

Day 97 - 8.6.2010 Hospital Bed arrived. Yangchik snooze soundly in bed.

At Nursing HomeCare

After Zohor Yangchik check-in into Seavoy Nursing
HomeCare at Setapak. Cost RM1,500.00.

Abang visited her everyday.

Day 99 - 10.6.2010 5.30am - Nursing HomeCare called Abang.
Thursday Yangchik's condition critical.
Abang called Dr. Hafetz.
We took Yangchik to Ampang
Hospital again in an ambulance.

At Ampang Hosptal

Check-in into emergency. The doctor managed to
stabilize her condition. She was put in same ward as

Yangchik was put under ventilator. Bipep. Heartbeat
was very weak. She was conscious and could hear us.

Day 100 - 11.6.2010 12.30pm - 2.00pm
Friday Yangchik was still under ventilator.
Liyana was there in the afternoon
with Shima (Zaki's wife).

Abang visited her. Condition very weak.

The hospital called Abang. Yangchik critical.
We rushed to the hospital. We arrived a bit
too late.
Yangchik kembali ke Rahmatullah at 9.24pm
in the presence of two muslim doctors.

Yangchik died at Ampang Hospital Kuala Lumpur at 9.24pm on Friday 11.6.2010
She was 73 years old
Caused of Death: Sepsis Secondary To Pneumonia

Arranged for Mandi Jenazah - package - at the hospital. Cost RM550.00

Mandi Jenazah : assisted by Zainiah, Zabariah, Liyana, Nora and Zan (Zaid's wife).
Atfi, Asmi, Salleh, Osman helped to carry the body for kapan.

Faiz helped to arrange the house for Jenazah to come home to Ukay Perdana.

Visitors at the Jenazah's room at Ampang Hospital:

Kak Sah's children: Nora and Osman, Asmi, Zaid & Zan.
Abang Jong. (Zulkifli Ishak)

Ambulance took Yangchik's body home to Ukay Perdana at 2.30am.

We arrived later. Upon arrival, to our surprise Faiz and his friends were reading the Yasin for
Yangchik. - Faiz, Aiman, Ikwan, Amirul, Ashrafil & Fadli.

Abang & family stayed. Baby Fatnin could not sleep. She slept very late in the morning and woke
up only to see the Jenazah go.
12.6.2010 - 5.00am Salleh and Moza (Village Head) arranged for
burrial at Masjid Al-Ridhuan Ulu Klang.

Burrial arrangement at Masjid al-Ridhuan,
Ulu Klang at 10.00am (RM800.00)

Visitors at Ukay Perdana:
Neighbours (Puan Fauziah solat jenazah)
Kak Sah's family
Zulkifli Ishak & Kak Yah
Dr. Hafetz and Family from JB
Md Jaafar Awang & Daughter from JB
Hasnah Harun (Ayah Ron's rep.)
Aunty Pah, Abang Urai, Che Bon, Ambak & Jad, Aunty Mon, Ayah Ngah & Eriko -
(arrived in the evening)
10.00am Burrial. Solat jenazah for the second time,(or 3rd )
now at Masjid Al-Ridhuan, Ulu Klang.

At the Grave Site:
When Yangchik's body was lowered into the
tiang lahat- Atfi, Fadhli and Abang Mat's cousin
went in to lay her down for the final rest.
Faiz and Azfar helped to cover the grave before
the Talkin was read. ( Talkin BUT Tahlil was done)

11.30am Dr. Hafetz & family, Md Jaafar & daughter
were invited back to Ukay Perdana to have
a drink before they leave for JB.

After Isyak Prayers at Surau Bukit Mulia, Bukit Antara
Bangsa, we had the tahlil for Yangchik. About 100 attendees.
Cost RM500.00

12.6.2010 - 13.6.2010 Informed all her friends in JB about her demise.