Saturday, July 24, 2010


Hari ini, tanggal 23hb Julai merupakan hari lahir orang yang aku kasihani.
Sekiranya dia masih hidup usia akan menjangkau 74 tahun. Hari ini adalah
hari yang ke 42 dia di alam barzakh.

Insan ini cacat angota, tidak pernah bernikah, tidak punya zuriat.
Dia menabur budi merata-rata agar dia di sayangi dan diingati sepanjang masa.
Apa yang dia inginkan hanyalah suatu doa agar rohnya tenang dan aman.

Malam tadi selepas solat aku bertahlil buat dia yang aku sanjungi.
Ya Allah Engkau cucuri lah rahmat keatas rohnya, Engkau luaskan lah kubornya,
Engkau terangkan lah tempat semadinya. Engkau berilah dia Syurga Mu.

Ya Allah Engkau ampuni lah segala salah silap aku
waktu menjaga dia di saat saat yang akhir itu.
Aku tahu, aku tidak dapat memberi dia perhatian yang penuh.
Aku tahu, aku tidak tunjuk kan kasih sayang ku secukupnya.
Aku juga tahu, Ya Allah, Engkau yang Maha Pengampun
dari itu ampunilah diriku ini atas segala dosa dosa ku.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Izzati Liyana setelah bergelar seorang graduan sejak 6 bulan lalu belum lagi mendapat sebarang perkerjaan. Keluar saja dari universiti dia sudah mula menolong ayahnya dalam bidang bisnes.
Sambil sambil itu rupanya dia mengambil kesempatan untuk menjalankan bisnes sendiri. Dengan bekalan wang yang sedikit dia menceburi perniagaan
kecil kecilan. Dia berniaga online, display produk produk yang ada di kedai. Syukur alhamdulilla...ada la dapat sikit masuuk.
Produk produk dia adalah....
Selendang, pashmina, biskut raya, make-up, brooch, baju muslimah......
Banyak lagi akan datang, katanya.

Selamat maju jaya dalam apa jua bidang yang diceburi.

Faiz pula masih lagi dalam pengajian dikolej. Semester lalu dia dapat 3 pointer.
Harap harap berkekalan atau lebih bagus lagi.
Sambil belajar Faiz berkerja di McDonald. Sekarang ini dia dilantik menjadi Floor Manager.
Naik pangkatlah anak mama ni. Gaji pun lebih lah sikit. Jangan belanja sakan dan jangan ghairah dengan duit tu.. tak banyak mana pun.
Mama nak ingatkan, assignment dan projek jangan lupa siapkan, dan jangan abaikan pelajaran. Inilah senjata hidup. ILMU
Selamat maju jaya dalam semua bidang.

Monday, July 19, 2010


The Iqamah
The Iqamah is a shortened version of azan.
In Iqamah, after the "Come to success,"
call, the mu'azzin recites twice, "Prayer has
begun." The musallis (persons performing
the Prayer) reply, "May Allah establish it
and make it permanent."

The caller of Iqamah must also face the Qiblah.

The Iqamah is recited at
a faster pace than the azan.

The person who recites it need not be
same person who recites the azan.

The azan is a communal obligation
(fard kifayah) in that in all places
where regular prayer is established,
Muslims have to appoint a person
to do it properly at the appropriate times.

There are two azan for the Friday
congregational prayer. The second
azan is recited before the imam
addresses the gathering.

As the times for the five daily obligatory
prayers vary within and between time
zones, there is never a moment on our
planet when the azan is not being recited,
as the end of azan is one place is the
beginning of azan in another place.

The azan is the world's only non-stop call
that acknowledges the sovereignty of
The One True God and urges mankind
to hasten to worship Him.

When the proclamation that "Allah is
Greatest" is sincerely felt in the heart,
it reinforces the Believer's resolve
to live by His Commands, which includes
combatting the tyranny of the powerful and
refraining from the ways of the greedy rich.

The azan is a revolutionary proclamation of
Islam that sovereignty rests with Allah alone.

Dr. Y Mansoor Marican, Ph. D

Friday, July 16, 2010


The Azan
The Azan combines both the Testimony of
Faith in Islam that identifies the Believers
from others as well as an inspirational call
to achieve success in this world
and the Hereafter through prayer.

The azan is recited in Arabic,
which makes it easy for Muslims
to recognize it in all places in the world.

Though the azan is a call to the prayer
in congregation, Muslims staying in
locations where it cannot be heard
or praying alone are required to recite
the azan themselves before the prayer.

It is the religious duty of the Believers
to respond to the azan by stopping
all things that may impede
others from hearing the azan.

Muslims repeat softly the lines in 1,2,3,
6and 7 of the azan immediately after the
mu'azzin (caller to the prayer) has
completed each of the 11 lines.

They recite softly, "There is no protection
and power other than Allah", immediately
after the mu'azzin has completed each
of the two lines in 4 and 5 respectively.

They recite softly, "You said the truth
and you did good," immediately
after the mu'azzin has completed each time
the special recitation for the dawn prayer.

At the end of azan, doa or supplication
is made which consists of the following:
"O Allah, Lord of this complete call and
prayer of ours, grant Muhammad the right
of intercession and the highest position,
and raise him to the praiseworthy place
that You have promised him and
bestow on him the right of intercession
on the Day of Resurrection,
for You do not fail in your promise."

After allowing a few minutes for Muslims
to complete the tasks at hand,
the second call to prayer or Iqamah
is made to call the gathering to prayer
in a lower voice than that for the azan.

Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph.D

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Islam's call to prayer or azan is unique
in that it is an oral call. Others beat
drums, blow horns or ring bells.

Azan is a call to the Believers
to hasten to worship Allah The Merciful.

The 15 lines recited loudly in azan are:

1) Allah is Greatest (4 times)
2) I testify that there is no god
to be worshipped except Allah (twice)
3) I testify that Muhammad
is His final Messenger (twice)
4) Come to Prayer (twice)
5) Come to Success (twice)
6) Prayer is better than sleep (twice)
This call is for the dawn prayer only
7) There is no god to be worshipped
except Allah (once)


Monday, July 12, 2010


Keistimewaan bulan Sya'ban ialah:
seluruh amalan manusia diangkat untuk dihadapkan
kepada Allah swt, sewajarnyalah sepanjang bulan
ini diisikan dengan amal ibadah dan kebajikan.
Antara amalan yang digalakkan pada bulan Sya'ban adalah:
1. Memperbanyak puasa sunat
2. Bertaubat dan Beristiqhfar
3. Memperbanyak zikir dan berdoa

Malam Nisfu Sya'ban

Kelebihan Malam Nisfu Sya'ban itu telah disebutkan
di dalam hadis sahih daripada Mu'az bin Jabal r.a. Rasulullah saw bersabda yang maksudnya:
"Allah menjenguk datang kepada semua makhluk-Nya
di Malam Nisfu sya'ban, maka diampunkan dosa sekalian
makhlukNya kecuali orang yang menyekutukan Allah
atau orang yang bermusuhan."

Pada malam Nisfu Sya'ban juga, adalah di antara malam malam
yang dikabulkan doa. Mengikut pendapat Imam asy-Syafi'e
dalam kitabnya al-Umm telah berkata:
"Telah sampai pada kami bahawa dikatakan:
sesungguhnya doa dikabulkan pada lima malam,
pada malam Jumaat,
malam Hari Raya Adha
malam Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
malam pertama di bulan Rejab
malan Nisfu Sya'ban

Kita boleh menghidupkan Malam Nisfu Sya'ban
dengan memperbanyakkan beribadat seperti:
sembahyang sunat
membaca al-Quran

Petikan dari PROJAKIM

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Humility and Thankfulness

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Allah likes to see the
signs of His bounties on His servants." (Tirmidhi)

He also said: "Eat, drink, wear clothes, and
give charity without extravagance and conceit."

Allah has not forbidden fine clothes, unless worn
in arrogance and wastefulness.
Allah's bounty should not be flaunted lest it provokes
envy and ill-feeling. Humility before The Creator and
fellow human beings is a virtue. It's difficult to be
humble when one is decked in thousand dollar suits!

However, Allah also dislikes slovenliness
as a pretentious show of one's poverty.
Moderation and simplicity is always the preferred way.

The liberated Muslim woman (and men)

Islamic dress does not degrade or oppress women.
Rather, it gives them dignity because it protects
them from exploitation as sexual objects, and
enslavement by the fashion, cosmetics, film and
advertising industries.

Dignity and protection, together with many rights
that Islam grants women (which the modern world has
recognised only in the last 60 years)
guarantees the high status of women in Islam.

The incorrect practice of Islam in many Muslim
countries does not represent TRUE ISLAM.

Regrettably, the movie industry has now begun to blatantly exploit male sexuality.
Islamic dress also preserves men's dignity.

By: Fatima Ebrahim Munshi

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


How To Cover
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) admonished:
"Do not appear naked while fully clothed." [Bukhari]

Dress should not be transparent, showing the skin
or so tight-fitting that it reveals
the shape and sexual contours of the body.
Loose-fitting clothes make prayer easier to perform.
Dress should not have prints on it that offend.
Dress should not be so outlandish
or glamorous that it is provocative.
However, Muslims may be as provocatively dressed
(or undressed) as they like when they are
with their spouses in private.

Men are not allowed to dress (and behave) like
women, or as women. They are forbidden to wear
pure silk and gold. Muslim men must be manly!

Likewise, women should not imitate men in dress
(and behavior too). Muslim women are feminine.
Islam sets distinct and complementary roles for
men and women in harmony with the natural
disposition of goodness (fitrah) that Allah created
them with. Gender-appropriate dressing helps
men and women fulfil their roles better.

Men in white, women in black
In Islam, there are no "holy" colors.
Islam does not require women to be always
dressed in black or blue in public.
This is a cultural tradition practiced in some Muslim
countries, or a rule imposed by certain Muslims
authorities so as to enforce greater morality.
Darker colours are worn because they conceal better.

Muslim men need not always wear white.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wore clothes of
various colours. However he recommended that white
clothes be worn on Fridays and other assemblies.

The purity and simple beauty of white befits
the honour and dignity of man [An Nasa'i]

The Prophet (pbuh) also grew a beard and often wore
a turban on his head. Muslim men, out of their
love for the Prophet, emulate him not only in
character and conduct but also in dress and grooming.

With compliments: Majlis Agama Islam WP

Monday, July 5, 2010


When should Muslims be dressed best?

O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel
at every time and place of prayer. [7:31]

Islamic Dress: an Identity, not a uniform

Islam, being a universal religion, has not set
any particular form or style of dress.
All manner of dress is acceptable as long as
certain guidelines are followed.
These guidelines apply to both men and women.

What to cover

Islamic dress must cover the 'aurah.
'Aurah is the parts of the body
which cannot be exposed to others.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) defined 'aurah.
'Aurah is different for men and women.

A man's 'aurah extends from his navel to his knees.
Most men choose to cover more than
this minimum requirement.
A woman's 'aurah outside her home and/or in
the presence of non-mahram (not close relatives) men
is her whole body except her face, hands and feet.
Some scholars also include her feet.

The head covering or hijab is a command of Allah.
The face-veil or niqab is not a requirement,
but some Muslim women choose to wear it
for greater modesty, out of conviction that Islam
requires it, or because of cultural tradition.

Muslim women are not permitted to cover
their faces during prayer,
while performing the pilgrimage rites in Meca,
when giving legal testimony, or when
identification is crucial for security purposes.

In her home, Muslim women may uncover
their heads, arms, feet and legs below the knees.
and in privacy with her husband,
no part of her needs to be covered!.

With compliments: Baitulmal

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Allah makes a natural covering for all His cretures
but not for His best creation: the human being.
Instead, Allah tells us why and how we should clothe
ourselves. Then allah leaves us to choose
whether to obey.
True Muslims always choose to obey Allah's commands.

The Nobele Qur'an says:
O children of Adam! We have sent clothing
to you to cover the shameful parts of your body
and to serve as a protection and decoration;
but the best clothing is the clothing of piety (7:26)

Why cover? In Islam, dress has four functions.

Dress conceals the private parts of the body
that are called 'aurah in Islam.
Muslims do not expose what Allah commands
to be kept private. Allah forbids nudity.

"And (Allah) has made garments to protect you
from the heat (and cold)...." (16:81)

Dress protects the body from the weather,
or heat, cold, wind and rain.

People living in desert regions cover their heads
and faces to prevent sand carrying living micro-
organisms entering their ears, noses, eyes and mouth.

Dress is worn to adorn and beautify
the human personality, bestowing on it dignity.
allah is Beautiful and He loves beauty. (Muslim)

Moral Function
Islamic dress helps safeguard the modesty
and decency of a person and the moral ideals of
society, where sex is permitted only in marriage.

There is a deep impact which outer modesty
makes on inner spiritual well-being.
Also, inner spirituality is reflected on one's appearance.

In Islam, both men and women should be custodians
of the morality of society.

With compliments: BAITULMAL

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Muslim men and women who dress as Allah
commands them present an image
of dignity, modesty and morality.

This is the Muslim identity, unmistakably
recognized anywhere in the world.
Obey Allah and be loved by Him!

By: Fatima Ebrahim Munshi