Monday, July 5, 2010


When should Muslims be dressed best?

O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel
at every time and place of prayer. [7:31]

Islamic Dress: an Identity, not a uniform

Islam, being a universal religion, has not set
any particular form or style of dress.
All manner of dress is acceptable as long as
certain guidelines are followed.
These guidelines apply to both men and women.

What to cover

Islamic dress must cover the 'aurah.
'Aurah is the parts of the body
which cannot be exposed to others.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) defined 'aurah.
'Aurah is different for men and women.

A man's 'aurah extends from his navel to his knees.
Most men choose to cover more than
this minimum requirement.
A woman's 'aurah outside her home and/or in
the presence of non-mahram (not close relatives) men
is her whole body except her face, hands and feet.
Some scholars also include her feet.

The head covering or hijab is a command of Allah.
The face-veil or niqab is not a requirement,
but some Muslim women choose to wear it
for greater modesty, out of conviction that Islam
requires it, or because of cultural tradition.

Muslim women are not permitted to cover
their faces during prayer,
while performing the pilgrimage rites in Meca,
when giving legal testimony, or when
identification is crucial for security purposes.

In her home, Muslim women may uncover
their heads, arms, feet and legs below the knees.
and in privacy with her husband,
no part of her needs to be covered!.

With compliments: Baitulmal

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