Friday, July 16, 2010


The Azan
The Azan combines both the Testimony of
Faith in Islam that identifies the Believers
from others as well as an inspirational call
to achieve success in this world
and the Hereafter through prayer.

The azan is recited in Arabic,
which makes it easy for Muslims
to recognize it in all places in the world.

Though the azan is a call to the prayer
in congregation, Muslims staying in
locations where it cannot be heard
or praying alone are required to recite
the azan themselves before the prayer.

It is the religious duty of the Believers
to respond to the azan by stopping
all things that may impede
others from hearing the azan.

Muslims repeat softly the lines in 1,2,3,
6and 7 of the azan immediately after the
mu'azzin (caller to the prayer) has
completed each of the 11 lines.

They recite softly, "There is no protection
and power other than Allah", immediately
after the mu'azzin has completed each
of the two lines in 4 and 5 respectively.

They recite softly, "You said the truth
and you did good," immediately
after the mu'azzin has completed each time
the special recitation for the dawn prayer.

At the end of azan, doa or supplication
is made which consists of the following:
"O Allah, Lord of this complete call and
prayer of ours, grant Muhammad the right
of intercession and the highest position,
and raise him to the praiseworthy place
that You have promised him and
bestow on him the right of intercession
on the Day of Resurrection,
for You do not fail in your promise."

After allowing a few minutes for Muslims
to complete the tasks at hand,
the second call to prayer or Iqamah
is made to call the gathering to prayer
in a lower voice than that for the azan.

Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph.D

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