Tuesday, July 6, 2010


How To Cover
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) admonished:
"Do not appear naked while fully clothed." [Bukhari]

Dress should not be transparent, showing the skin
or so tight-fitting that it reveals
the shape and sexual contours of the body.
Loose-fitting clothes make prayer easier to perform.
Dress should not have prints on it that offend.
Dress should not be so outlandish
or glamorous that it is provocative.
However, Muslims may be as provocatively dressed
(or undressed) as they like when they are
with their spouses in private.

Men are not allowed to dress (and behave) like
women, or as women. They are forbidden to wear
pure silk and gold. Muslim men must be manly!

Likewise, women should not imitate men in dress
(and behavior too). Muslim women are feminine.
Islam sets distinct and complementary roles for
men and women in harmony with the natural
disposition of goodness (fitrah) that Allah created
them with. Gender-appropriate dressing helps
men and women fulfil their roles better.

Men in white, women in black
In Islam, there are no "holy" colors.
Islam does not require women to be always
dressed in black or blue in public.
This is a cultural tradition practiced in some Muslim
countries, or a rule imposed by certain Muslims
authorities so as to enforce greater morality.
Darker colours are worn because they conceal better.

Muslim men need not always wear white.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wore clothes of
various colours. However he recommended that white
clothes be worn on Fridays and other assemblies.

The purity and simple beauty of white befits
the honour and dignity of man [An Nasa'i]

The Prophet (pbuh) also grew a beard and often wore
a turban on his head. Muslim men, out of their
love for the Prophet, emulate him not only in
character and conduct but also in dress and grooming.

With compliments: Majlis Agama Islam WP

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